Dear Brother: Of Canopy ministry, undue affection and situationships.
Dear Brother Do-good, I heard Sis Carol caused a scene in church last week, that an argument ensued between you two while you were having…
To the King of my Heart
To the King of my heart, It’s another Easter, and I’ve been thinking a lot about what you did for me and everybody else in…
I can be real with you.
“Thank you Jesus for I can be real with you“. That was the fresh awareness and realization that overwhelmed me in the month of November.…
For Your December
It’s not too late to say Happy New Month right? Thank God we made it beloved. Have you started counting down to the new year?…
Dear Sister: Of Caring Brothers, ‘Situationships’ and Unnecessary Endearments.
But you see, I am concerned about you. You are my dear sister after all. I am concerned about the state of your heart in…
“When you ask God for something, be ready for that process that will keep you grounded in that answer when it comes. Do to me…
For Brothers, and Sisters who love them.
Hello brothers, guys and daddies, trust this meets you well? Here’s a program I believe you should endeavor to attend. It’s put together by School…
Dear God, I’m grateful for these ones too.
“Testimony time!!!” “Overcomers time!!!” Somehow, it has become the norm to expect something ‘big’ when we hear the announcement in our various meetings and places…
About this time last year.
Hi guys! First you would forgive me for posting this on such short notice (you’d understand soon enough). Second, this is somewhat personal. July-August 2018…