This was initially put together for another platform, but somehow, we’re here.
If I were to describe my state of mind now, it’d be ‘Grateful; overwhelmed, but in a good way (if there’s anything like that🤭).
If you’re yet to catch up, well, it’s my birthday (drumroll lol), and for the first time, I decided to do a birthday post.

Over the years, I’ve seen myself approach my birthdays in an almost-melancholy manner. As the day approaches, I begin to self-evaluate which quickly becomes outright brooding. I begin to dwell on the things left out in my to-do list for the outgoing year. On the other hand, I’d still be grateful to God for life and opportunity to influence the wonderful people around me. So, this time of the year is usually ‘somehow’ in my mind.
This year, I won’t say I did great, but I (by the help of the Holy Spirit) certainly took intentional steps to maintain a heart of gratitude to God, and keep hope alive for my heart requests. The Holy Spirit really does make the believer’s life better, only if we let Him.
The last year was a year indeed. Of responsibility and the stature that comes with doing Kingdom work (God help me to put pen to paper on this).
As I take on the new year, I look back and thank the Father for influence and the privilege to brighten this corner I stand. I look forward with hope for the future. And I look upward for strength for what next He would have me do.
I close with this prayer from my heart to my Lord:
“Hold my hands, help me write better,
Take my love, make it go deeper,
Take my voice, make it bolder in convictions
Take my speech, make it resound your will
Take my fears, and turn them to faith
Take my ears, quiet every noise, till it’s only you
Take my life, make it your throne.
You won’t stop, till I attain, and become your very purpose.
You won’t stop, your work in me.”
It’s my birthday people, do say a prayer for me🙏.
Love always,
Happy birthday dear.
God bless you beyond measure
Thank you so much.
He is faithful, Who has promised……, He is just starting with you, be sure He will take you there. Happy birthday beloved daughter, remain lifted. 👏🙏
Thank you for all you do Mummy, I love you ❤️.